2023 Case Studies

6 Months in Arizona and only $45 per lead

We took a client in Arizona and doubled his sales instantly.  So far we’ve spent $213,000 with this client and basically doubled his return on ad spend. 

Florida Statewide can get you $39 leads

People say Florida is a tough state to get solar leads in. But for the past year we’ve been getting $39 leads in FL STATEWIDE. 

How do $49 leads sound in Texas?

This client isnt even statewide.  He’s hitting the city centers in the state of Texas bringing in consistent $49 leads for the last year and a half with Prospect Bacon.

California leads aren’t dead when they cost $43

Our partner in California may have been only running for 3 months, but we showed how we can scale his company into the future!  


Qualified East coast leads for $43

Our partner in Pennsylvania has been killing it this last year with $46 leads month in and month out.  

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